Dynaflex Sports Pro Plus Gyro Wrist Exerciser

Product Feature
- Have fun while relieving carpal-tunnel and arthritis symptoms
- Use as a strength and coordination builder
- Includes 3 separate work-out programs
Product Description
The Original Dyna-Flex Pro Plus is designed with a high performance rotor, which can reach speeds of up to 10,000, rpm and puts out 38lbs. of torque. It also features a new "thermo band", which aids the user in controlling this powerhouse. The Dyna-Flex Pro Plus was designed not only to be user friendly but to aid in sports rehabilitation and conditioning of the lower arm. It is being used for carpal tunnel syndrome, by musicians, for improving performance in sports, as well as, helping in repetitive stress for computer terminal operators. The new Dyna-Flex Pro Plus comes with a removable top cap, which allows the insertion of the optional speed meter. The speed meter, when attached to the Dyna-Flex Pro Plus, gives the user the option of 3 separate work our programs, through the digital functions.Dynaflex Sports Pro Plus Gyro Wrist Exerciser Review
After owning this product I must say DO NOT BUY IT! For the same price you can buy an NSD powerball which has a REAL warranty with it. My ball broke and DynaFlex only tried to sell me a new one regardless of the warranty printed on the back. The Sports Authority felt bad enough they ended up replacing the ball free of charge while DynaFlex stated I either buy a new one or pay them to re-send my broken one back. I showed dynaflex a picture of how my unit broke BUT once they received it their opinion changed from "Axels can break when they are sped up too fast" to "the only way our axels break is to be dropped".Here is as good as it gets, an entire post about this from the DynaFlex forum that DynaFlex removed before people could read it any further:
Bummed - Two Months and Failure
Author Message
Joined: 2010-08-08
Posts: 1
composed on: 2010-08-08 20:25 Title: Bummed - Two Months and Failure
I just wanted to say I am bummed at this point. I tried a gyro at my friends house and loved the idea so I
bought my own. After a month it started emitting a high pitch sound at start up which would compare to a
bearing going bad and starting to squeak. A month later, today to be exact, I wrote into the company to ask
how the warranty works because the device is now having a much harder time starting and within a few hours I
hear a POP and the balls grinds to a halt. I see the ball has fallen away from the white track it lays in and think
it just fell out of it's track. Then a small piece comes out and the actual bearing inside the wheel broke. I really
like this device but if it's going to break down so quickly and a warranty has to take place often is it really
worth it in the long haul. If the white piece had broken (it looks plastic) I would understand but a metal like
piece breaking is weird right? Has anyone else experienced this? Is the NSD version any better for users who
are going to use this as regularly?
Joined: 2010-06-09
Posts: 10
Location: Anaheim CA
composed on: 2010-08-10 14:14 Title: .
I think weve been speaking over email but I'll respond here as well. We'll inspect your ball so we can determine
what exactly is going on.
Though it is extremely rare for a ball to break so suddenly, it may happen. We do offer lifetime warrantys on
manufacture defects and we are honoring that with you by going through an inspection. But if it has broken
down there could be one reason one.
Your Forearm strength is too much for the gyro
This usually happens with a lot of rock climbers and other individuals with decent forearm strength. They get
the Pro or Pro Plus and a couple months later it busts on them. Thats because the basic Pro has a MAX capacity
of 25 lbs of force, or 12,000 RPMs. 12,000 isnt that hard to do for a fit individual. It could be that you wore the
sucker down and something busted because it doesnt have as high as a capacity as the Powerball or even our
Iron Power line.
In any case, we'll take a look at it and see what happened and most likely ship you out a brand new one.
Joined: 2010-08-02
Posts: 2
composed on: 2010-08-10 20:54
To WipeOut97:
I haven't had that problem. My pro just has a hard time starting up and i think i had it going on a year. The
NSD powerballs are pretty good. I own two and don't have much of a problem with them.
To Admin:
The site info bumped up all the RPMs for every powerball to 15K except for the Platinum Powerball which is at
15,500. In theory all of the plastic powerballs should be able to exceed 16,000rpms without busting the ball. So
what gives one dynaflex plastic powerball a higher capacity than the other?
Joined: 2010-06-09
Posts: 10
Location: Anaheim CA
composed on: 2010-08-11 08:05
We've been changing a few things in our website and some numbers are absolutely wrong. We stick to the
number 15,000-16,000 RPMS for the powerball. The Platinum has a little bit higher capacity so it can hit higher
RPM's and force, usually around 5 lbs more.
We should have the correct figures up soon.
My WipeOut97 account appears to have been blocked from posting on this forum but oh well.
Thanks for your reply here Joe, we did talk about this and I'm glad I was able to find the receipt.
With your Pro do you ever hear a high pitch squeel when you start it? When the high pitch started I noticed a
quick decline in the ability to get my ball started the first time. Between the two brands which one would you
prefer? If my strength is the issue do you think the NSD would hold up any better and do you think they offer
any advantage?
Joined: 2010-06-09
Posts: 10
Location: Anaheim CA
Something was going on with the forum where I had to reset it, which I have, so your other username probably
works now. The forum is relatively new so we are working out all the kinks.
In regards to questions about NSD, both Dynaflex and NSD are very well made products and they likely have
the same amount of random defects we do. Key difference is they are in Ireland and we are in the US. Also,
Dynaflex is the original, we have been around since 1977 I believe.
Joined: 2010-08-18
Posts: 1
composed on: 2010-08-18 16:22
In case anyone is wondering about my outcome. I spoke with Joe for a few days and DynaFlex has denied my
warranty based on their idea I dropped the ball. I posted a picture here prior to sending the unit in but once
the unit was received the story changed to: "The only way an axle breaks is in a ball drop". Well if that is the
case why did they not say the warranty was automatically denied? Instead I shipped them a ball and paid
roughly $4 to ship it to them. After being received Joe has only been trying to sell me more balls at a price
point to where it is a couple dollars below retail price. I have to now pay them to ship back my broken ball so I
can ship it to the sports authority where they are allegedly going to replace the ball for me.
Joe, you answered the differences between NSD and your company. What you have to take into account is NSD
has a lifetime warranty that goes beyond what you "deem" to be abuse of a product. They will repair any partof the device and ship it back at their cost regardless of what they feel happened. Your price point and NSD is
almost the same so I don't see how your products equal theirs. To me I feel dynaflex has a warranty written on
paper and that's it. I found a few people on the NSD boards with similar experiences of sending a ball in only to
be hit with a "I'll do you a favor and sell you another one" approach.
In the end I spent:
$22.99 dynaflex pro
$3.89 shipping to dynaflex (2 months after purchase)
$5 to mail a label to dynaflex for them to ship it back
$3.89 to ship it to sports authority
total of: $35.77
NSD with full lifetime warranty is: $32 shipped
Dynaflex offered (under their replacement plan):
another 14.95 for the gyro pro
16.95 for gyro +
18.95 for amber light up
Buy from a company who backs their products such as NSD and stop trying to sell more products to customers
who are attempting to get warranty work done. As I said, why would anyone spend another dime with a
company after they have had issues with their current product? It simply makes no sense from a practical
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Dynaflex Sports Pro Plus Gyro Wrist Exerciser" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Dynaflex Sports Pro Plus Gyro Wrist Exerciser ...

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